Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Written at a very unsettling time in 2o1o, when it felt like life was falling slowly apart and I had been having nightmares every night and waking up not knowing what to do with myself - God took me back to a place of remembering that the nightmares had no control over me, unless I let them. That He was holding me through the uncertainty that was going on around me - and that as my heavenly Daddy, I didn't need to be fearful of what was happening. He was there and everything was going to be alright because of that.

Little girl
Nightmares can't ever touch you
My love captures your fears nothin' can harm you
Daddy's here, everything's gonna be alright

Little girl
Hold on tight, don't you ever worry
Daddy's here with a smile; why you in a hurry?
Don't you cry, everthing's gonna be alright

And yeah, it's all fallen apart
But you're still so close to my heart
Baby girl your life's an utter mess
But in Me you are blessed

It's all gonna be alright x3
Cos My arms are holdin' you tight

Little girl
Heart's break, the pain surrounds you
My grace restores the picture frame around you
There's flaws, but everything's gonna be alright

Little girl
Tears drown all the light away
Fightin' for you, I'm saving you today
I love you, everything's gonna be alright

...I love you, everything's gonna be alright
...Don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright
...Daddy's here, everything's gonna be... alright

Yours forever, Ajae

Monday, 11 July 2011

This thing Called Love...

   "The best sort of love isn't the sort that knocks you with a jolting bang of fever and passion, that can fade too quickly. Or that spins you around in millions of circles of stars, morning always arrives...
  The best sort is the kind that creeps in softly while you're still sleeping; it sneaks underneath your bolted door, treads inaudibly up the stairs, softly opens your bedroom door and tenderly wraps its arms around you, completely by surprise...
The kind of love that's been there all along, but has hidden just out of your grasp behind the corner." ~ Ajae Frazer - March, 2o11
"Your lips cover me with kisses; your love is better than wine." ~ Song of Songs 1:2

 What is this thing? This thing called love...

 Sometimes I wish for the ability to express and understand the love I have inside of me... And other times I’m glad it’s such a mystery.
Love undefined, unexplained, untarnished, unbroken, unsolved.

 If you start to define love, it loses some of its magic... It’s like trying to describe to a blind person how immense the sky is or how intense the colours of the rainbow are... or even what colour feels like. Like trying to explain why stars make you smile or the thrilled feeling you get when you think of a certain someone. Like trying to understand why butterflies make you feel extra special when they land on your skin in the early springtime. Or why a grin that someone gives you, or the recollection of moments of bliss, makes you feel happy? It’s like trying to take a laugh and hiding it in a box, hoping to keep it forever... It just doesn't work.

 Love isn’t safe, it’s not comfortable. It can be a scary experience... Yet it’s the only one thing that will give you completeness; because it’s not something you give to yourself, it’s something you give to someone else. And in that giving you put yourself on the line, you take a step out into the terrifying unknown of being completely vulnerable to another human being.
 You say, this is me, please let me love you? Do you think I’m good enough for your love? Will you return my love? Am I even lovable? And so in that fragile state we find our hearts exposed and open to the rejection that we’re so frightened about receiving, like little children, needing reassurance and hoping that the love isn't one way.

 Love captures you unawares, it likes creeping up on you and stealing your heart away when you least expect it. And sometimes, even often, you don't want it or want to experience it because it takes you out of your comfort zone. And at the same time you're always searching for the wholeness of love, that missing puzzle piece...

 The best feeling in the world is the completeness of being totally soaked in one another’s love, filled until you don’t think you can be anymore loved, and yet still giving and loving and creating something greater than you ever imagined possible (and no, I’m not writing about babies, or even sexual-love...  Just pure, raw, simple love that goes past ourselves. 'Cos, that's really what love is: It's beyond us, our control... It's bigger than we could ever be and yet small enough to take hold of our hearts). Love is a secret you carry with you in your pocket, warm and safe until you get to share it with people who are open enough to receive it.

 There’s no gray area when it comes to love, love’s language is truth and it only speaks the truth.
Love can’t lie; love can’t hide the truth without losing a bit of itself. Love has to be shared, it's not selfish in keeping to itself; in truth perfect love is giving all of yourself and expecting nothing in return. Love continues to persist in a world of hate even when it's beaten down on every side; it openly and wholeheartedly trusts, and consistently protects.

 So this Love... this unsolved mystery, unbroken promise, untarnished gift, unexplained action, undefined feeling. Completely losing yourself in love and finding someone else in it, is one of the most amazing things in the world... coming out a different person, is the best.

Yours forever, Ajae

Thursday, 7 July 2011

My favourite couple xo

 My brother and his beautiful bride became man and wife on the 6th of May, 2o11 on an overcast, chilly day. But, the pictures came out beautifully and the weather was perfect for a highland Scottish wedding. Their love for one another is so apparent and beautiful, they inspire me! I had so much fun with them, I'm looking forward to taking more pictures for them in the future. They really are such a photogenic couple! Xo



Happy couple, Aaron and Penny


Yours forever, Ajae

Copyright 2o11 RedeemedImaginations ©

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Love Letter

This is a soppy love-song I wrote about the love a girl has for her soldier... Whether it's a real battle with guns, spies, bombs and death; or the day to day battles of life that takes him away from her. While I was writing it I thought of the romantic, dramatic scene we see portrayed over and over again in Hollywood movies of the 3o's. The wistful dreams of young girls, the passion young boys had to fight for their countries... And I realized that it was raw, simple love that kept both sides fighting, love that gave them hope and passion. Love that bound those dreams together down the generations that have lived on... I thank all the men that are someone's soldier for fighting... Most of all, I thank my own xx 
Love Letter

My pen stains page
With the ink of my soul
Of memories untold 
My words will never grasp
The love I feel inside
And yet the letters flow
This is all I want you to know

This is the simplest of love letters
It doesn’t speak of much more
Than my love for you grows stronger
Everyday I have to endure
Not seeing you before me
Or hearing your laughing voice
And knowing you’re out there fighting
My soldier - to faith, hold tightly

You’re my dearest lover, oh my constant friend
You’re my sanity and saviour
Always there till the end
I'll love you forever though bullets tear us apart
But even then
You’ll always be right here in my heart

These ribbons of love
Tied up in red
White paper splashed with my tears
The stamp pressed down
The envelop sealed
One last kiss to reach your hands
Don't forget, my love, my man
My heart

Copyright Ajae Frazer, 18th Feburary 2o1o ©

Yours forever, Ajae